The Waterways Collection
Rocks are not unimpressionable. They are, like all of us, shaped by a lifetime of events. I value the imperfect beauty of the close-up. I want to call attention to the weathered, overgrown, and eroded. I relate to these landscapes deeply. These rocks remain in spite of the brutality of their environment. I do, too.
I find a lot of comfort in the repetitive mark-making of my paint application. My painting practice has become incredibly process-oriented. My surfaces are rough and dry, the paint has been worked into the canvas - I exhaust the edges of my brush marks so much that the entire image has a sort of blurred effect. The process is careful and laborious. These waterways are literal and symbolic reflections of my experiences with chronic illness. The water reshapes the rocks. I want to honor every scar.
Many of these pieces were created at the ChaNorth artist-in-residence program located in Pine Plains, New York.
ChaNorth is the upstate New York branch of the New York City based nonprofit, Chashama. New work will be added as the series develops.

Close Enough for Jazz (2024)
Acrylic on canvas, 36" x 30" x 1.25"
George Washington National Forest, Virginia
Reference Image: Brian Akerson Photography

The Company I Keep (2023)
Acrylic on canvas, 43" x 38" x 1.25"
Grafton Notch State Park, Maine
Reference Image: Harry Lichtman Photography

To Demonstrate My Love for You (2024)
Acrylic on canvas, 24" x 36" x 1.25"
Mount Mansfield State Forest, Vermont
Reference Image: Molly Lastra

It's in Your Favor (2024)
Gouache on watercolor paper, 12" x 16"
Shenandoah National Park, Virginia
Reference Image: Brian Akerson Photography

Sing Along If You Know It (2024)
Acrylic on canvas, 40" x 20" x 1.25"
Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina
Reference Image: Cody Owen Photography

You're Laughing, but I'm Not Kidding (2024)
Acrylic on canvas, 20" x 49" x 1.25"
White Mountains National Forest, New Hampshire
Reference Image: Kevin Hart Photography

To Be Well (2024)
Acrylic on canvas, 30" x 24" x 1.25"
Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina
Reference Image: Cody Owen Photography

Keep an Ear to the Ground (2024)
Acrylic on canvas, 18" x 18" x 1.25"
Franconia Notch State Park, New Hampshire
Reference Image: Kevin Hart Photography

Laugh a Little (2024)
Acrylic on canvas, 38" x 30" x 1.25"
White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire
Reference Image: Jonathan Elcock Photography

As Have I (2024)
Acrylic on canvas, 24" x 24" x 1.25"
Castle in the Clouds Conservation Area, New Hampshire
Reference Image: Chris Whiton Photography
Jazz Ghost (2024)
Acrylic on duralar, 20" x 28"
George Washington National Forest, Virginia
Reference Image: Brian Akerson Photography
*this is new and experimental - more to come*

Untitled (2024)
Acrylic on duralar, 18" x 22"
*this is new and experimental - more to come*